What is the difference between bonded neodymium iron boron magnets and sintered neodymium iron boron magnets

2023-04-09 1020 YUQI

Neodymium magnet, abbreviated as neodymium iron boron magnet, is a general term for strong magnets. ND2Fe14B manually manufactured magnet. So far, the magnetic force is strong, and the material grade is N35 ≤ N52. It can be processed into magnets of different shapes according to different requirements, such as tiles, blocks, punched holes, magnets, magnetic rods, protrusions, ladders, etc. What is the difference between bonded neodymium iron boron magnets and sintered neodymium iron boron magnets? In fact, these two types of magnets belong to neodymium iron boron. These two types of magnets are classified based on their production process. Bonded neodymium iron boron magnet ND-Fe-B is actually formed by injection, while sintered neodymium iron boron magnet ND-Fe-B is formed by pulling out the space and heating at high temperature. The distinction between bonded neodymium iron boron magnets and sintered neodymium iron boron magnets mainly depends on the following three points:

1. Bonded neodymium iron boron magnets are injection molded and contain binders. Their density is generally only 80% of the theoretical density. Bonded neodymium iron boron magnets are formed through complex processes through high-temperature heating, and their magnetic properties are about 30% lower than sintered Nd-Fe-B.

2. Sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets have a strong magnetic field, which is an anisotropic magnet produced by powder sintering. In general, only sintering can produce blanks, which can be processed (such as wire cutting, slicing, grinding, etc.) into various shapes of magnets. Sintered neodymium iron boron magnets are a brittle and hard material that is not easy to machine. Throughout the production process, there is a large proportion of defective products, high cost, unqualified parameters, poor corrosion resistance, and the surface needs to be electroplated. Its advantage is good performance.

3. Combined, bonded neodymium iron boron magnets account for about 5% of sintered magnets. Currently, the magnetic energy product of sintered magnets Nd-Fe-B is at least 50 meters, while the magnetic energy product of bonded magnets is approximately less than 10 meters. The performance of magnetic powder bonded magnets is generally 15m, with a larger amount of 10.5m. Therefore, sintered magnet Nd-Fe-B is more widely used than bonded magnet Nd-Fe-B.

I believe that through the above understanding, you should have an answer on how to distinguish between bonded neodymium iron boron magnets and sintered neodymium iron boron magnets.

The above is about the difference between bonded neodymium iron boron magnets and sintered neodymium iron boron magnets. If you would like to learn more related knowledge or information, please continue to follow us. We also hope that you can provide us with valuable opinions or suggestions! Disclaimer: This article is for reference only and does not represent the views and positions of this website. I am not responsible for the above content. Thank you for your understanding!


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